Archive for the ‘Hezbollahs Syrian Calculus’ Category

Hezbollah’s Calculus in Syria

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Written by Abu Anas Thursday, 06 June 2013 16:27

On May 25th, Hezbollah’s chief, Hassan Nasrallah, declared that his Lebanese based Shia militia will fight with all its capacity to save the Syrian regime.[1] After several maneuvers in the last few months, walking the tightrope of public diplomacy, he finally admitted his direct involvement in supporting Bashar al-Assad’s brutal crackdown on the Syrian Revolution. In pushing out the Israeli occupation from Lebanon in 2000 and it’s tactical victory over Israel in 2006, Hezbollah skyrocketed in fame amongst all Arabs, including even Sunnis. Siding with the oppressive regime in Damascus, however, has destroyed any goodwill Hezbollah had within the Sunni majority of the Middle East. Nasrallah, Arabic for “God’s victory”, became famously Narsallat, or “idol’s victory” and his party of God became known as the party of Satan within the media and the masses. (more…)